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Summer Driving Safety

Enjoying time out with your family relaxing on your days and evenings off-work and taking every opportunity to enjoy the good weather are just some of the benefits of spending more time on the road over the summer. Unfortunately, however, in the summer the highways across Canada become busier than ever with construction, people traveling and wildlife. It is important to be prepared to share the road as well as to have the materials inside your vehicle to protect you in the event of an emergency.

The most important thing to keep in mind as you hit the road and spend any time behind the wheel is never to mix drugs and alcohol with driving. Drugged and drunk driving are significant causes of personal injury accidents that can injure other individuals or even claim somebody’s life. Furthermore, it is important to make sure that you put your phone down while behind the wheel. Far too many studies have drawn a link between distracted driving behavior and a heightened chance of car accident injuries and fatalities.

Be Aware of Your Surroundings and More Traffic

With more people on the road, it is important to avoid aggressive driving behavior or any reckless behavior as well. This could put you in harm’s way and injure people inside or around your car. Bear in mind that the excellent summer weather also means higher number of pedestrians, bicyclists and motorcyclists on the roads across British Columbia.

Be Prepared for Tourists

It’s prime vacation time in British Columbia over the summer and there is so much scenery to take in that many people may be using every opportunity to soak up the summer sun. Those visiting British Columbia for the first time may not be familiar with the roadways or the typical traffic schedule. This means that they may stop suddenly because they are unfamiliar with the route. Make sure that you always have appropriate space between you and other vehicles. Remain patient and extremely careful around large recreational vehicles, any vehicle pulling a trailer and any type of a cyclist.

Assume that another vehicle cannot see you unless you can see the vehicle’s mirrors as well. Many road projects around British Columbia can only be completed over the summer months so you need to be advised of work zones and any signs that may alert you to upcoming troubles. Make sure to take appropriate breaks to stretch your legs and refresh your focus while on the road. If you’re taking a long road trip, make use of rest areas to allow everyone a chance to go to the bathroom, stretch and get back in the car with a renewed focus.

Provincial highways are also crowded with wildlife in summer months. Make sure that you keep your eyes aware of the road in front of you and around you as you’re driving.

Get Help if You’re in an Accident

Don’t make the mistake of failing to report a crash if it happens. Contacting the authorities right away after an accident can help you keep a clear head during a confusing time. In the event that you’re involved in an accident with another person or another vehicle, you need to alert emergency response teams as soon as possible.

Gathering information at the scene of the accident may prove extremely important if you need to move forward with a personal injury claim. Your ability to put safety as a top priority anytime that you hit the road whether it’s just to commute to work or to enjoy a summer road trip can help to decrease your chances of being involved in a serious accident.


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